Cossington Village Hall

Welcome to Cossington Village Hall

The original Cossington Memorial Hall was erected as a memorial to villagers who fought in the 1914– 18 War. A second hand wooden hut procured from an army camp at Codford near Warminster for the sum of £35 was transported to Cossington in November 1921.

Incredibly, that original structure, with tender loving care and hard work served the Cossington community for 90 years until the new hall was finally completed in 2011.

The delivery of our splendid new hall was achieved, despite many obstacles, due to the generosity of the village and the vision and perseverance of a few dedicated individual residents.  

The hard work of planning and fundraising over very many years certainly paid off.

On 12 November 2011 Cossington Village Hall was officially opened by local children and Mrs Mary Bell whose generosity in providing the land had greatly helped the project to progress. 

The Hall comprises of the main hall named Trivetts Hall after the farm on which the hall was built and a smaller meeting room named the Broderip Room after the once Lord of the Manor who had provided the land for the original Memorial hall. Off these are a large fully equipped kitchen and a spacious stage with excellent sound and lighting equipment.

Since opening, the hall has gone from strength to strength with many organisations using the hall for regular activities and various ad hoc events taking place throughout the year.

In 2023 we have successfully renewed our Hallmark 3 standard

Hall In Action